Tomorrow is Shiva Asar B'Tammuz. (The 17th day of Tammuz.)Anyone who fasts properly, following all of the guidlelines printed below, will receive and extra 4 Bonus Points. Anyone who listens into the hotline during the fast to hear Mrs. Lieberman's messsage again, will receive an extra 1 Bonus Point. 609-443-4877-7-3Maximum point earnings tomorrow: 15 Points (10 + 5 Bonus) = $7.50Remember: You must read and follow all of the guidelines listed below to earn the 4 bonus points for fasting.Guidelines* Fast begins at 4:17 am and ends at 9:19 pm (long fast!)
* If you're going to eat in the morning before 4:17, have that in mind before you go to sleep.
*The Mishna Berurah explains that those people who fast, but waste away the day with pleasure trips or other nonsense, have missed the point. The point of fasting is to awaken our hearts to do teshuvah.
* The Mishnah lists 5 tragic events that occured on the 17th of Tammuz.
1) When Moshe came down from Har Sinai with the first set of Luchos, he broke them when he saw the cheit ha'eigel.
2) The walls of Yerushalayim were broken into by the enemy before the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash.
3) There were no longer any sheep available to offer as the Korban Tomid.
4) A Greek officer burnt a Sefer Torah.
5) An idol was in the Beis Hamikdash during the time of the second Beis Hamikdash.
* Those obligated to fast are healthy adults - any boy over the age of 13 and girl over the age of 12 is considered an adult. Although children are permitted to eat on a fast day, those old enough to understand the concept of mourning (approximately 9 years old) should only eat foods necessary to maintain their health, and they should not be given sweets.
*People who are sick (even if their illness is not life-threatening), older people, and those who are weak and could be harmed by fasting, should not fast. Those who are exempt from fasting, should not eat treats or delicacies, rather only what is necessary to maintain their health. Also, it is better that they should not eat in public so that others will not think lightly of the fast and come to eat.
* If one is distressed by not being able to rinse her mouth, she can do so, but should bend her mouth downwards so that the water won't reach her throat.
*It is permissible to take medicine without water. If one can not swallow the medicine without water, one can use a minimal amount of water.
*If one ate or drank by mistake, she is still obligated to continue fasting.
*Washing and bathing are permitted.
*A special tefillah, Aneinu, is added into Shemoneh Esrei during Minchah, after the bracha of R'ei V'anyainu.
*Learning, improving, and growing are the main points of the day. Hashem wants our heart! Not a day of fasting with out any thought or feeling! Let's focus on becoming better people tomorrow, and then we'll know that we have brought Mashiach and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash that much closer, bemihairah beyamaynu, amen.
Tomorrow begins the 3 weeks, leading up to Tisha B'av when both Batei Mikdashot were destroyed. One should not listen to music or attend weddings during this time.Good luck fasting tomorrow, girls. Let us know how it's going!