Friday, August 1, 2008

The 9 Days begin Tonight

hi there, girls! hope everyone has a nice Shabbos!

tonight, Friday night, is Rosh Chodesh Av which begins the nine days of mourning untill Tisha B'Av which is in a week from Sunday.

Although there are specific halachos to follow during these days, which I will outline below, Hashem does not just want our acts, He wants our heart. Anything we would not do if we truly felt pain (if someone close to us passed away, G-d forbid), we should not do during this time - when we are mourning the greatest losses we have ever experienced, that of both Batei Mikdashot. Someone who is mourning does not feel like doing anything fun or pleasurable, even if he is allowed to. That should be our attitude during these days.

We shouldn't party with our friends... we should minimize enjoyable activities and instead do meaningful activities - listen to speeches, learn, read meaningful literature etc. Chazal tell us that anyone who mourns the Beis Hamikdash properly will merit to see and rejoice in its rebuilding. May we all merit that day very soon - when all our tears will be wiped away forever and we will have clarity and joy for all time.

During the 9 days, one may not:
*listen to music, attend weddings,
*take a haircut/shave/wax
*eat meat or wine (one should only eat dairy during this time as meat and wine symbolize pleasure and joy)
*buy or wear new clothing
*wash or wear fresh laundry
*bathe or swim (one should only take cold showers during this time when necessary except for erev Shabbos when one can take a hot shower in honor of Shabbos.)

Please post any questions you might have. And again, remember, the idea is in our attitude and our feelings. Let's make Hashem proud.


Anonymous said...

hi evryone it's me...and i do have a question what do u mean by wear fresh laundry ure supposed to wear dirtty clothes.....???

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Anonymous said...

Jesse, you asked a very good question - i'm glad you asked. Here's the answer.
Although it is forbidden to wear freshly washed clothes during the 9 days (just like a person who lost a close relative can not do for 30 days), one may wear clothes that have been worn for a short time. (Which is until the feeling of freshness has been lost. This is approximately a half hour.)Therefore, a person should prepare the clothes he wants to wear during the 9 days and wear them for a short time before the 9 days begin if they are freshly laundered or if they are new.
This does not include underwear, socks or pajamas.
Ironing and dry cleaning are forbidden as well.
Girls, please continue to post any questions u have so that we can all learn, understand and keep the halachos to the very best of our ability

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Anonymous said...

You can also wear fresh stuff for Shabbos. If you ran out of weekday outfits, you can wear them on Shabbos for a short time so they'll be okay for next week.
PS. In theory, you could probably ask a non-Jewish person to wear your stuff for you. When they're done, it won't be considered fresh. They might look at you kind of funny, though.... =)
Mrs. P.

Sunday, July 15, 2007