Saturday, June 30, 2007

Good Luck to all our Contestants!!!

I'm rooting for all of you and I know you'll do AMAZING!!!!!
Remember to ask Hashem to help you when you daven!
Please post how your first day is coming along and read everyone else's comments as well...
Let's stay in close touch through this blog... this is our spot!
Just press "other" when posting a comment and type in your name - you don't have to put in your web page when it asks for it.
Can't wait to hear how all of you are doing! POST AWAY!!!!
p.s. I'm already so proud of you!!!


Anonymous said...

This is cooler than cool! I'm excited for our first day and i can't wait to post and read everyone else's comments... thanks for making this spot for us!

Morah Greenes said...

You're very welcome, dear! It was Hashem, of course, through a very talented graphic designer by the name of Shaindy Menzer. In any case, I agree that it's quite a cool and great spot to have, and I look forward to reading all of you guys' comments! You hear girls? Let me - and all of us - know how it's going, okay?

Anonymous said...

I just checked out your blog again. It makes me want to join! Good luck, and may you
accomplish amazing things!


Anonymous said...

dear morah greenes,
this blog is awesome! you are amazing! your students are incredible.. they are the luckiest that they can sign up to the coolest contest.. can i PLEASE join too? ($310 sounds pretty neat!)OK, take care, shoshana

Unknown said...

So far I've got two things done: Covered my collarbone and read the Daily Lift.
Yahoo, go me! :P
This is awesome, Morah Greenes. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Tova!!! Congrats!!! Doesn't it feel great? Keep it up and we're all rooting for you! You are on your way! Keep us posted as the day progresses, ok? =)

Anonymous said...

heyy shoshhiii!
how are you?
im good thanks.
lol jk .
hi everyone!!
goood luck to you all!!!
bye ;)

Anonymous said...

o vicky, You really make me laugh.
I missss you!!!
CAll me so we can learnnnn today!!!
Im so excited to learn the Tznius book with you!
Vicky- hows the program coming along??
Goood luckkk! =]]]

Anonymous said...

I spoke to Daniella before and she is wearing, get a load of this, long sleeves, her knees are covered with a skirt and her collarbone's covered!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, DANIELLA!!!!!!
That is fabulous, absolutely incredible and impressive beyond words! Can you hear the angels clapping?!? We're all so proud of you!!! Keep it up!!
Girls, share your accomlishments with us so that we can all take encouragement and inspiration from you... Can't wait to hear!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!! What up, get a hold of this morah i was shomer today 100% i was very tzines and i did eveything on the list. Morah this is greatbye love u all and misss.

Anonymous said...

hey everyone.. Congratualationss Nataliiii!!!! Thats reallyl amazing! .. good luck tomrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody! As the first day of our program comes to a close, (for most of us at least, i mean it is 11:48!) I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you all on an incredibly special and accomplishing day. You can all go to sleep with a smile on your face and security in your heart, knowing that you've made Hashem proud through your choices and actions. And there's no better feeling in the world than that!
CONGRATULATIONS, NATALIE!!!!! I am beyond proud!!!!! You can't even begin to imagine... We're all rooting for you here! Let us know how it goes tomorrow, ok?
And I just spoke to Shoshi and you wanna hear this, guys? She did every single thing on our checklist as well! She even highlighted the lines from the tznius book that she learned with Vicky! (We're gonna compare notes tom. to see if we chose to highlight any of the same lines!)
May Hashem continue to hold your hand...
Tom. iy"H i will be posting an opportunity to get 2 bonus points, so stay tuned! And i know you'll all sleep well tonite! =)

Anonymous said...

okay so morah told me to write about my day..
well, it was pretty boring.
i went babysitting..
and i davened mincha! woohoo
and i was tznua today!! yyea
and i was babysitting.. and i was really bored..
so i was on the phone wit shoshi..
and i decided to look through the people that i was babysitting's books and i found a sara schneirer book.. and i remember when we learned about it in our GOING UP thing.. so yeah
i read a lil bit..
and it says Fraur Shnerier .. and morah told us what it meant.
well yea thats it.
i made 25 doollars just btw from bbabysitting.. yeyea!
okay have a great night!!

Anonymous said...

Guys, Vicky didn't make $25, she made $29 cuz she filled out 8 points on her chart today!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, VICKY!!!!! We're all so proud of you! You were totally tznua (all 4 points, incredible or what?!?) and you learned, davened and were shomer negiah. The world is a different place tonite because of you girls.

Anonymous said...

Right now it's, like, 12:50 and I've done nothing today! Well, not anything related to this thing, except wear something that wasn't too tight. YAY! :P Hopefully today I'll remember to read my book with...someone. And hopefully I'll also remember to daven mincha! I'll keep you people posted.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will! Go for it, Tova! Also, you can only earn points on a day that you've learned, so keep that in mind.
Keep us posted, we're all rooting for you!
p.s. is today a GORGEOUS day or what? Hashem is making it so much easier for us to dress with tznius. If we do our very best, even when it's hard, Hashem really helps us. Because He loves us. And so do I. Keep it up, girls! And keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys! Good to hear your voices.

As a good Lakewooder, I can't get anything off the internet-- do I get points for that? But I'd love to play, anyway! Can somebody be so kind as to send me a cut-and-paste email of the rules?

We can adapt them for Morahs! Like, make sure elbows and knees don't get uncovered from your already-tznius clothing.

Whaddaya say? Any student sponsors?

Have a great summer, all!
Mrs. Perlman

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys! Good to hear your voices.

As a good Lakewooder, I can't get anything off the internet-- do I get points for that? But I'd love to play, anyway! Can somebody be so kind as to send me a cut-and-paste email of the rules?

We can adapt them for Morahs! Like, make sure elbows and knees don't get uncovered from your already-tznius clothing.

Whaddaya say? Any student sponsors?

Have a great summer, all!
Mrs. Perlman

Anonymous said...

Haha, Mrs. Perlman! :D 'Tis unfortunate for you, but adults are supposed to be our role models. Keep up the good work! :P

Anonymous said...

hii mrs. perlman!!
how are youuuu
i missss you
and ill send u the email.. but morah prob already did.. but if she didnt.. wuts ur email?
- vickyy

Malka Leah Josephs said...

Hi Everyone!
It's Mrs. Josephs here, from the main office of Shalom Torah Centers. I've been following your progress on the blog, and I just had to let you all know how proud we are of your accomplishments. It's not easy to keep up with all of these goals during the summertime especially - but from what I can see you are all truly up to the challenge!
May Hashem give you the strength to keep on going... giving Morah Greenes and all of us who work "behind the scenes" at Shalom tremendous Nachas!!
Hatzlacha - Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

morah hi again this is so great , this is so great it is rly helping me stay on track this summer and im sure every one else to! ty for making this blog
