Monday, July 14, 2008

Tell Us What You Learned Here!!


Anonymous said...

Hi! It's Nechama and Bracha Jakob and we're signing up to learn the Chofetz Chaim together. Glad we can join!!

Anonymous said...

ok, so we decided to do the committed life instead and we're just waiting for the book... we'll be here soon!!

Baila said...

So what i leard with Morah last night was that the Naviam tryed to worn us what would happen if we kept saying Lashon Harrah and we did not listen. Hashem is ready to awnser our teffilah if we could only unite as a nation and stop[ speaking lashon Harrah the the Bayis Hamidosh would come back! thanks for learing with me morah :)

morah said...

Great job, Baila!
Welcome aboard - and my greatest pleasure!!

Baila said...

Here is what i learned yesterday It is simple enough to be able to rebuild the bayis hamikdosh by not sain lashjon horah and pointlis hatred. an ex. is the spys saying bad about the land of Israel b-c of that hashem destroyed the bayis hamikdosh on the same dat tgat thay said the bad. Because of theas things hashems preeasence has left us.

Baila said...

Yesterday i learned the reson why Lashone Horah destroyed the bayis hamikdosh. PEople do not relsize how much it can affect the bad we do when we say Lashon Horah. The less bad we say the less bad we do. Whoever says bad also raises the sins in heaven.

Baila said...

today i learned the Satan is very Sly and can get peopel to say lahon harrah by putting Pressure on them and saying everything u say is loshon harrah so why be careful? And by doing this it can get us not to keep Kosher etc. This is why we have shimrose Hlashon to make it easier for our selves to not say Lashon Horrah.

Anonymous said...

keep up your great work Baila!! I'm so proud!!

Baila said...

THe Chofetz Chaim knoew it was hard for ppl to stop saying Lashon HOrrah. SO He brok it in two 2 books and each book had 7 chapters broken up in to parts. We all know its a sin to say lashjon horrah and it is not easy so in the book its the basic and most importents part of lashon horrah.

Baila said...

THe Chofwtz Chaim states that there are peopel who will read his book and will utilize it and try to not say lashon horah at all! where as there will be others that will take what he says and twist it around and make it seam like they can say lahon horrah even though they can not! But one who does read this book and gets all he can out of it will then be deserving of Moshiach

Baila said...

Lashon Horah was the first uvarah ever to happen.One who speaks Lashon Horrah trys to destroy the world! LAshon HOrrah is very strong witch is why we must be careful not to say it.