Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tell Us What You Learned Here!!


Anonymous said...

Okay so tonight we learned that..
Like it says "dont put a stumbling block in front of a blind person.." so the same thing with tznius.. don't wear something that will cause a man to stare at you and get an aveira for it.
*example is: when a girl is dressed untznius she shouldn't say, "he shouldn't be looking at me." your making him look.

- and another thing we learned tonight is when everyone is dressed tzniusly, and then you come and you are wearing something different than everyone else.. that person ruins the environment for everyone else.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Anonymous said...

Ok so right now it's still Thursday to me and Shoshi.. lol it's 1 AM.
So tonight we learned that:
-Tznius isn't just covering your body parts but it's also what you wear and the way you wear it. It's the whole idea behind it.
-& Tznius isn't just being tznua in what you wear but it's also the way you act; your behavior.
-Kimchis is an example that showed her tznius - so we read about that too. She never let the walls of her house see her hair, because to her tznius was more than covering something. It shows your refinement and being pure, and holy, and special.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Shoshi and Vicky,

I am so proud of your initiative and accomplishments in learning so far. You are true role models for us all.

Keep up your beautiful and inspiring work,


Anonymous said...

Thank you Morah!
So today we learned that:
- Tznius is in all of us. Every Bas Yisroel has a wanting to be tznius deep down.
- And we read a story about Dovid HaMelech, when he had to say which child was male and which was female.
The female was more modest..

Shabbat Shalom everyone!

Anonymous said...

Tonight we learned that:
-as soon as a girl removes from herself secular things like magazines, television, not jewish music, etc. Then she'll take out the negative influence of tumah, and an inner feeling of tahara will be Re-awakened, and she'll have a better wanting to be tznius.
-when you dress and behave the way your supposed to (like a princess), then you'll have a better feeling and understanding of what Yiddishkeit stands for.

k goodnight everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!
Heres what we learned tonight:
Just like Sorah Shneirer, a true tzanuah, we dont have to be the center of the crowd.. But you should also say your opinion (in a tnius way)
Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

So we learned tonight..
Just like everything in tznius we must be very careful includes the way we laugh. We should make sure its not very loud and unrefined. Also, we learned to speak calmy and quietly in the streets.
have a great night!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
Okay so we learned last night but neither of us were able to write it on the blog. So I don't know if it counts if we write it today.. but we did learn last night=)

So Yesterday we learned that..
- To be a tzanua, you have to make sure that which ever words come out of your mouth are always refined. Like we shouldn't curse or say inappropriate things.

Today we learned that..
- Tznius also includes keeping secrets. Especially your own. There are times that you should speak, and there are times that you shouldn't.

K Good Night!

Anonymous said...

hi shoshi and vicky!
i continue to feel so proud of you and your consistent learning accomplishments. i am learning right along with you. i'm happy to hear that you learned 2 nights ago and yes it does count. (normally it's 1.5 points for learning and 1.5 points for posting).
have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

So today we learned that..
- Tznius includes not prying into other people's business. To go into their private business, is wrong.
- Bilaam made his tent not face the other person's tent so he wouldn't see and intrude into the other person's doings. So from him we learn that when we set up our homes, we should make sure that the curtains and blinds cover the windows, so the people outside should not see what's going on in the house.
- Tznius also includes protecting the privacy of others. Just like when Rachel did when she gave the simanim to Leah, not to embaress her. So this was an act of Tznius that Rochel did and we should learn from her.

(Pages 35-36)

K Goodnightt everyone!!

Anonymous said...

tonight we learned that:
Both women and men have a yetzer hara..
In the Vilna Gaon's letter, it quotes:
"The yetzer hara is neutralized in the case of men by being engrossed in Torah study and in the case of women by adhering to tznius."

page 36-38

Anonymous said...

we learned that:
-when a woman gets married she is supposed to cover her hair, and when she covers her hair she attaches herself to holiness and that lets her conquer her yetzer hara without even giving him the chance to harm.

Anonymous said...

tonight we learned that:
- Tznius is the basis of a home. In every house the mother has to be a tzanua.
- With tznius there's no ending to it. You're constantly growing and working on it.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Tonight we learned:
When a person is strongly attached to their neshama, the world of temptation won't get to them and take over.
Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

hey evyerone
tonight we learned:
- When the question, What can a woman do to match the merit of a man's learning? is asked.. the Chazon ish replies.. that she should work on her tznius.
- Tznius has two totally different meanings. One is Purity - refinement meaning.. and the other meaning is Humility - thats inadequete behavior.

k good nighttt!!

(pages 42-43)

Anonymous said...

hi shoshi and vicky!!
loving your learning!!!!
keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Today we learned that the way you dress reflects on the way you act. If you wear something (ex: tights with bright colored stripes) that would make you stand out. And all that pride will lead to Chutzpa.

ok Shabbat Shalom everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Tonight we learned:
- that Anava and Busha (Humbleness and Bashful) together bring tznius. & the opposite of that is that Geava and Chutzpa (Pride and Chutzpa) together forms pritzus. So a woman should always be humble and not loud. ex: chewing gum loudly

ok goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Now that I started the book over, I'm upto the same place as you. How cool?? I love it!! Keep it up!!