Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good Morning Girls!!! Here are Some of your Last Bonus Points!!!

Believe it or not, our summer incentive program is really coming to an end... just today and Friday and it'll be over... DOES TIME FLY OR WHAT

You can feel proud of all the special achievements you've gained over the summer... you can look back with real pride and know that you've accomplished something special - what an incredible feeling!

And for now, some of your last bonus points:
Tell us here what you've gained and how you've grown from our program and from the book you've learned. You can earn upto 4 points, depending on how detailed your comment is. I will email you how many points you've earned after I read your comment here.

Stay tuned for details about earning points during the school year...


Unknown said...

I've gained....
About 60 bucks.
I need to review all the stuff you've put up - about Tisha B'av and those videos and everything - before I can tell you what I've gained from them, because I've quite forgotten what most of them are about.
From the book....
Well, about the book itself, it was seriously interesting and without this program, I don't think I'd have pretty much ever opened it.
What I've gained from it....
I've quite forgotten this too as I haven't opened it since I came to camp. Actually, I didn't bring The Thinking...Guide to Life; I brought the Chofetz Chaim book 'cause I thought I'd do it with Naomi, and I wanted to use my rest hour to do other stuff.
Well....This was detailed, right, Morah? Right?

Anonymous said...

Hey Morah!
Thank you so much for having this summer program! It really helped me as well as everyone else.
Ive gained so much from this summer program. It kept me from doing things this summer that i would have regreted. Whether i was with my friends or I was by myself, this summer program made me think twice about doing certain things. And I really appreciate it. The program reminded me that I still have to Daven everyday even though its the summer. And the Tznius part made me realize so many things. That like, I really have to check my skirt before i leave the house. I have to sit down on my bed to make sure its ok. When i made sure that I was really Tznius when i left the house, I felt different. A good different. And when Im walkin in the streets and people look at me like im crazy because im wearing long sleeves and a skirt and stocking, I love that feeeling. The feeling that im differnet from the rest of the world because im Jewish and im part of Hashems nation. Thank you morah. Thank you for giving us this amazing summer program. Thank you for giving me a partner to learn with. It really added alot to my day. I really loved reading the book. It was so inspiring. It gave me a totally differennt outlook on Tznius. And since I was learning it with a partner, I got to hear sumone elses perspective on Tznius. I really enjoyed it. Every morning, I made sure that i would read the growing each day and the daily lift. (i decided to read both because i love both of them, and they make my day so much better when i read both of them) I made sure i didnt leave the house before i read them because i felt that they both helped me get through my day. And most of the time they had to do with something that happend to me that day. (And it was so amazing to realize that.. I felt that like, Hashem was really with me) When I would fill out my check list at the end of the day and when i wasnt able to fill something in, I felt a little disapointed in myself. Like, when i decided not to Daven minchah one day becuase i wasnt in the mood, 2 hours later i would regret that. Thank you morah for making this list for us. This program really made an impact in me. It kept me from going "down" this summer. Thank you so much morah. And when
I was with my friends, they would be wearing sumthign much more tznius so they can chek off that they were tznius. When i slept over sumones house, They woke up and DAvend. Thank you so much morah. You really are the best.

Morah Greenes said...

Ok, I just finished crying – really crying – from happiness and emotion and nachas and from being moved and touched to my core. Thank you so much for ur absolutely beautiful words and for taking the time to tell me your feelings about how the program helped u. (I hope others will write their feelings after reading urs… even tho it'll be a hard act to follow) U are truly special, one of a kind and I know that Hashem has tremendous nachas from u. keep being strong, even though the going will get tough… keep making me as proud as u made me today…

Anonymous said...

so im sitting here at work, and im thinking about all my achievements and how I've grown throughout this summer from this contest. So the learning thing was truly the best part.. (especially learning with Shoshi) lol because it was really special and I feel like it just made me want to be more and more tznua. And it was funn. lol ok and davening didn't really always work out for me, but if I davened it always made me feel so good because I didn't do it for the contest, I actually took out a couple of minutes from my time and dedicated that time to Hashem. And that's what made me feel good. And that extra pushh for davening was from the contest. The daily lift it really made my day much better because that was like the highlight of my day. So that my days more special. Being tznius was an amazing feeling. Especially that i worked at a place with very High-class people. And when I walked in everyday with my collarbone covered and my elbows covered it just made me feel bigg and greatt. I think this is most spiritualist summer I've ever had. Just because I was tznius most of the time. I definetley watched T.V less this summer. Because of the contest, and because I didn't really have T.V. at home. lol so that was much better. And that's it. I'm really happy that we had this summer program, and morah I really really aprreciate for you making this whole contest. Thank you. And my summer wouldnt have been this great if it wasn't for you. THATS HOW SPECIAL YOU ARE!!
you are really and truly an amazing person. thank you for everything.

YOU AREE THE BESTT ;) [i dont know how thats possible if me, you and shoshi are the best, but we could work something out.] lolz

Hope everyone had a great summer!
- vicky.

Morah Greenes said...

wow, vick - that was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. thanx 4 taking the time out to organize and share ur feelings with us abt the program and how it affected ur summer. u don't even know how much nachas u have given me and how happy u made me. nothing makes me happier than knowing u are doing the right thing - bec. i know that will give u the most happiness too. u are beyond special - it's really not even normal. and abt all of us being the best, i had a really long laugh there - u are so funny!!!! i guess we'll hafta work s/t out. just as long as u never forget even for a second how special and amazing u are...