Friday, July 20, 2007

Coming up on Sunday...

Bonus points opportunity and all you'll ever need to know about Tisha B'av....
(which begins Monday nite)
Make sure to visit our blog on Sunday for this crucial information - and share it with your family and friends so that they too can keep the fast properly.
In the meantime, have a wonderful Shabbos! Candle lighting is at 8:04 (getting earlier!) and Shabbos begins 18 minutes later at 8:22. Shabbos is over at 9:14 or for those who hold the later time, 9:34.
Thinking of you all!


Unknown said...

I really wish the days didn't have to get shorter. Is there some place in the world where they stay the same length (and long) year round?

Anonymous said...

Coming up, coming up! Sit tight and be sure to keep checking our blog today for MAJOR BONUS POINTS OPPORTUNITY and all you'll ever need to know about Tisha B'av. You don't want to miss this!

Anonymous said...

It's 10:07 PM. What are our bonus points?